Anyways, rushed to clean myself up, realised my hair looks really cool in the morning cos it's a natural mo-hawk. But decided to put a lil wax to it to work against gravity on the hair. "Oh Gravity, is working against me. And gravity wants to bring me down." John mayer sings. Ate breakfast and headed to BeeYen's for add maths cos I wanted to rest my mind a lil yesterday. It's kinda cool when the BeeYen's students in my class says, "BeeYen's". It's like "William's" mamak or something which has an identity of their own. Sat for a test, left question one and two blank cos I've no idea how to do. Saranya and Henna were there too so we kinda discussed.
Headed back home after tuition to get ready for church. Was looking through my piles of clothes to see which shirts and pants i should wear. Bathed and put on my black checkered pants and Zildjian shirt. Felt under dressed though. :/ Before i headed out, Daddy said, "Did you bring extra underwear?" i checked my plastic bag to double check and told him i've already put it in.
Cell group was alright, Purdy led the group again. Headed down to the Main Sanctuary for briefing. Oh yeah, the extra pair of underwear was for my baptism. :D
If you're wondering why this picture is here, it was during YBMEW, which stands for youth baptism membership encounter weekend. These are the only pictures in my computer that's related to the baptism of mine. haha.
I GOT BAPTISED TODAY! The water was cold. What's baptism about? Why is it necessary or is it even purposeful to do this thing? The answer is yes, and it's stated in the Bible. To me, baptism means that I really want to live my life as a Christian and get serious with God. I come from a Christian family and normally would think that I'm a Christian since birth. It doesn't go that way. It doesn't mean that if your parents are hristians and you're a christian too. They don't make the decision for you to be a Christian. It's your decision. And taking this road in life is not an easy road, instead it's gonna be harder. But i believe that my reward is in heaven and I'm in this world just for some time. It's nothing compared to eternal life.
For those who supported me and congratulated me, THANK YOU. God is just so awesome.
& after church, my mommy and daddy fetched me and my friends called, Sam, Andrew, Huiying and Carrie to Sarah Lee's crib. (:
*vanwasere. (:
1 comment:
hey i see my picture there.. heh.
well, i didn't congrat you, so..CONGRATS~!
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